Lawn Watering Guidelines: Best Time to Water Lawns and How

A lawn is an important aspect of your home’s yard. For a home to appear beautiful and attractive, the lawn must be well-kempt and thoroughly maintained. Proper maintenance of your lawn requires regular and adequate watering, as well watered and tended lawns will make your home more appealing and likable. Today, many homeowners consider attractive lawns as an integral part of their homes and, therefore, take the extra mile to invest some resources and time to realize the beauty of a well-kempt yard. Below are lawn watering guidelines, including the best time to water your lawn and how to do it.

When to Water Your Lawn

These should be watered when the grass starts to indicate signs of distress. Normally, when a garden is stressed, it begins to appear wilted, with a bluish color instead of the normal emerald green color. It is important to test the moisture of the soil before watering and this may require a screwdriver or trowel to be inserted into the grass. If the screwdriver does not penetrate easily into the ground, it means that the soil is hard. Note that it is important to confirm that the lawn requires water by conducting a simple test on the soil before doing your irrigation.

Hot and dry weather may cause the grass to appear stressed and wilted, even if the soil is moist. In that case, the grass should be sprinkled with water for about 15 seconds. This activity is not necessarily considered irrigation because it is not meant to water the soil but to only provide enough moisture for the grass to cool.

How To Water Your Lawn

It is quite challenging to know how much water to use for your lawn precisely because the amount of water depends on a number of factors: the type of grass, climate, soil type, and use. In this regard, it is advisable to experiment with the amount of water that may be adequate. For instance, you can apply half an inch of water if your soil is sandy and approximately one inch if your soil is fine-textured or clay-based. It is recommended to improvise and use a rain gauge, which will help you in knowing how much water you have applied. This is important for accuracy so that you don’t overdo it end up spoiling your lawn. The amount of water applied should be able to soak the soil of about 4 to 6 inches in depth.

Always remember to water heavy soil at a slower rate to help prevent flooding. If you conduct this experiment a few number of times, you will have a more accurate idea of the amount of water your lawn requires.

Today, everybody desires to live in a beautiful home and compound. Therefore, many people try to grow grass that will enhance the appearance of their yards. To ensure that the lawn is well-kempt and attractive, it must be watered appropriately. These guidelines could help you achieve a beautiful and attractive lawn.